Monday, June 23, 2003

Saw Supari on the 2nd day of its release as I was busy seeing Jhankaar Beats (read review below) on the first day. I had a splitting headache for one and a half day after seeing Supari.

Aryan (Uday Chopra working outside a Yashraj banner for the first time), Papad (Rahul Dev, he is growing old), Chicken (Purab Kohli, that irritating guy from Channel V) and Mushy (Akash Saigal, not much to go for him) are supposedly good friends. They live beyond their means, and want to continue doing so.
They place a bet on a cricket match, which is supposed to be rigged in their favour. The scheme backfires, and they land up in a debt of Rs. 5 lakhs. They had bet money they didn't have in the first place. This gets them in a fix, and in comes Mamta Sekhri (Nandita Das, looking gorgeous with short, gelled hair) who gives them a chance to repay their debt by comitting contract killings for her. She also has a shady guy staying with her, whom she calls Baba(Irfan Khan must be really short of money to do such roles). All of the studs except Purab (Hey, he is called Chicken, remember. What great depth of characterisation) start loving the thrill of killing and the extra money it offers them.
Dilnawaz (Nauheed Cyrusi, remember the cute girl from the Perk ad) is in love with Aryan, which doesn't say much for her intelligence level, besides making us doubt her eyesight. The cool dudes screw up a hit due to Nauheed and Purab, and are on the run from the police as well as the gangsters. To complicate matters, Nandita falls in love with Uday (Hey, India is running short of optometrists due to the brain drain).
The rest of the movie is about how they get on a shooting spree, killing everyone in sight (even vegetables are not spared).

Uday Chopra wont get a break without his father's patronage. Even though this movie is not produced by Yash Chopra, the only reason he seems to be in it is because Yashraj films bought the distribution rights for a number of territories. Arjun Rampal was slated to do Uday's role earlier. Rahul Dev tries his best, which is not much. Purab Kohli has to just act scared out of his wits throughout the movie. No wonder the producer-director had to convince him for a long while to accept this role. Akash Saigal is just present in the frame to fill it up. He is more like an extra without a character sketch. Nandita Das and Irfaan Khan must be really tired of arty films to accept stuff like this for their mainstream staple.
Nauheed makes her presence felt, but she goes over the top most of the time, which might be because she is supposed to play a Parsi, which in Moron's Dictionary of Bollywood Characterisation means she has to be over the top. But she certainly has an endearing presence.

Padam Kumar comes credits himself as the writer (shared with Mushtaq Sheikh and Anuradha Tiwari), producer as well as director of this movie after his first dud Champion (Sunny Deol, Manisha Koirala).
The movie tries desperately to get into the Satya mould, and fails miserably. Editing by Sanjay Verma is too slipshod to be considered professional.
Music by Vishal-Shekhar (Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi and Jhankaar Beats) is tolerable, as the movie affords just two songs. Though lots of other people are given credits in the movie (like Sutapa Sikdar for dialogues, T. Ramji and Velraj, Farah Khan and Rekha Prakash for choreography), I don't find them worth mentioning as I simply dont want to waste more time in writing this review than they spent on doing their work on this movie.

Would I recommend this movie to someone?
Forget it. It is too dark and gory without any need for it to be so. The goings on will give you a headache, and at the end of the movie you will have lots of questions unanswered due to the bad screenplay. That gives me an opportunity for a joke. The first scene of the movies shows the four duds standing in a line, where we see just their faces, telling each other about how they have done everything together, and this time too, they won't let each other down, my very dear friend Harish (who has been tortured a lot as he needs to accompany me to many pathetic movies) commented: "Arrre!! Why are they thinking so much when all they want to do is pee". When the movie ended, he left to seek a lawyer, as he thought that he might be able to sue the producers for making such a bad movie. I completely agree with him. Please let us move the consumer court to take care of our grievances.

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